Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hey Bloggers, I figured I would give you all a little progress report as there hasn't been an entry here for a while.

With work, and play, and all things in between, the progress at 318 has been slow to say the least. But, progress is steady. and with my perpetual nagging and some new found inspiration on Nick's part we have gotten this rock to roll (at least a little, for now).

I know I know. you're saying "that's nice dom, now WHERE ARE THE PICTURES...??!!??" and to that I say. "Hold on.... their coming." Jeeez, be patient.

Today was big for us because Nick actually put a layer of 'poly' in the back office. YAY! The sooner that office is done the sooner we can move our homeless boxes, and furniture in there and off the rest of the floor. And that my friends will allow us to poly the rest of the floor.

phew. it's getting there. but, so is the end of the year. I mean, c'mon... how long have we been at this? now... onto the pictures....

So, here is this floor in the dinning room. it's stripped, virgin, wood. OH, and top nailed. hmmmm... exciting. and beautiful. and hopefully next week it will be a beautiful 'antique american' color. hopefully.

The dimming of the day.

undoing what has been done.

So, I promise promise promise, that I will upload a picture of the back office floor, but due to the extreme lack of daylight I may not be able to take it until next week. okay? Promise? agreed.

Stay cheery.

P.S. if you aren't cheery maybe some of the photos from the past two months will help.

Ah! someone killed my punkin'

. this orchid, has been in bloom for about two and a half months.... do you think something is wrong with it?

The Christmas cactus in full bloom